12/12/2012 0 Comments 12-12-12Jersey City view of rebuilding of World Trade Center, which will rise 1,776 feet. 1,728. If you mentioned this number to most people, they will not realize that it is the same as 12 cubed (or 12x12x12). Of course, today is the 12th day of the 12th month of 2012, a rare quirk of the calendar that we cannot help but have top of our minds today. For those of us in New Jersey and New York, 12-12-12 also is the spectacular benefit concert set to take place this evening at Madison Square Garden. Featuring some of the biggest acts of all time, it is following in the footsteps of the benefit concert following the 9-11-01 terrorist attacks. Perhaps fitting, today is the day that a spire is starting to be added to the new One World Trade Center building. When completed, it will be 1,776 feet tall, which coincidentally is also a multiple of 12 (that is 148x12). Most of us will probably be watching some or all of the concert tonight - past 12:00 midnight, of course. Regardless of who your favorite performers are, it should be a very special evening to help the devastated communities get back on their feet. So whether you are in a New York State of Mind, or are Born to Run on a Long and Winding Road in New Jersey, a big thank you to the performers and the countless people around the world who have demonstrated their compassion and caring for the citizens of my native (NY) and home (NJ) states.
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