The Government Accountability Office has released a 96-page report, Retirement Security: Women Still Face Challenges. The GAO notes that while women's access to and participation in retirement plans has improved over the past decade relative to men, women contributed to their DC plans at lower levels than did men. For those women in or near retirement, divorce, widowhood, or unemployment tended to have an adverse effect on retirement income security. The full report is available on the GAO's website at
Blog Author - Ken FelsherWith over 25 years of writing, editing, and research experience. I enjoy sharing with my readers my love of working with content on a variety of subjects. CategoriesAll 401(k) 402(g) Boomers Catch-up DB Dc Deferral Limit Defined Benefit Defined Contribution ERISA Healthcare Participation Pension Professionally Managed RCS Retirement Retirement Confidence Tax Code Vanguard Women Working Archives
March 2015